24 September 2005

Twelve Years and Counting

Here we are on our wedding day. September 22, 1993. We did it up right. Most of our friends were there including B.J.'s best man from way up north. Our minister dressed as a samurai, we were blessed by a shaman who has now added Druid to his titles and Gaia visited us in the form of Cheryl Smith our minister's wife. All in all a marvelous day.

We've had an interesting twelve years and we are both looking forward to another twelve years or as B.J. says "Twelve down, eighty to go!" Our anniversary was this last Thursday. We are very happy, needless to say, but I like saying it.

12 September 2005

Have you ever felt this way?

My beloved sent this to me with the question "Ever feel like this?" Unfortunately, we all have moments of frustration, so the answer is,

"OH, YEAH!!"

Had to share.

11 September 2005

All four

Orca, my cybercat and a more recent picture of Salem.

Cheyenne, Willow, Salem, Orca Posted by Picasa

These are pictures of my current crew. The
kitten picture of Salem is old, but too cute not to
use. I do have opinions on other things, which I will get to eventually, but first my cats.

05 September 2005

My Cat Family

This is more or less a test to see how this system works. So far so good!
This system is much easier to use than others I have tried.
I will recommend it to friends.
Oh, btw, this is my cat Cheyenne (one of four). He is the most photogenic although the others are just as good looking.